Virtual First is a true partner, helping your organization achieve the financial and performance benchmarks set for your telepresence surgery programs. Your organization can decide the level of participation and how often Virtual Vendor is utilized for medical device technical support during live surgeries. Pay for only the surgeries where Virtual Vendor is used.
Virtual First installs and deploys the Virtual Vendor solution into the operating rooms of our healthcare partners with no upfront fees or hidden costs. This allows healthcare providers and device manufacturers to begin realizing savings on Day 1, without any capital expenditures.
Virtual First is currently negotiating a large network of Partners with many more in active development. Our programs represent the lowest cost way for manufacturers to provide technical support for their devices during live surgeries. Our Partners all benefit from sharing the central infrastructure of Virtual Vendor’s core competencies, which include:
Tele-expertise technology during surgery
Data Management + Analytics
Direct connect to EMR and scheduling systems
Direct connect to MFGR Supply Chain systems
Real-time capture and reconciliation of implant/device consumption
Medical Device Technical Support Call Centers
Hospital Administration Efficiencies
Online Training